Online shopping traps sellers use, explained

Online shopping traps sellers use, explained

Online retailers have all sorts of tricks for getting consumers to buy more and buy faster. The people who create those tricks don’t really even try to hide them. A cursory Google search reveals all sorts of marketers advertising their tools to help merchants boost sales. They boast countdown timers that are “a great way…

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Go-fast defense acquisition strategies can create risks that commercial technologies can counter

Go-fast defense acquisition strategies can create risks that commercial technologies can counter

GM Defense’s Infantry Squad Vehicle features 90 percent Commercial-Off-The-Shelf parts. Photo courtesy of GM Defense. In this Q&A with Steve duMont, GM Defense president, he discusses why and how the acquisition process could change to realize the benefits of commercial technologies, how to address concerns around intellectual property, and GM Defense’s plans in areas like…

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Google urges advertisers to test post-cookie solution as it updates ‘Privacy Sandbox’

Google urges advertisers to test post-cookie solution as it updates ‘Privacy Sandbox’

Google started testing components of its “Privacy Sandbox” in 2021. The company has had to retool the program while it figures out how to conduct online ad auctions, and provide measurement to ad partners, without the use of cookies on web browsers. Google is also following Apple’s path by eliminating similar identifiers on mobile devices, making…

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